As the partial government shutdown stretches past the holidays, we strongly urge Congress and the President to reach an immediate resolution and reopen the affected agencies.


“About 800,000 federal workers are furloughed or working without pay,” said AIA President and CEO Eric Fanning. “That imposes an unconscionable burden on these hard-working Americans and their families. Our industry stands with them in calling on elected leaders to end this self-imposed crisis.”


Delayed funding and missed paychecks most sharply affect government employees, but there is also a substantial ripple effect that impacts industry, as well. For instance, with the Departments of State and Commerce closed, export licenses can no longer be processed, delaying the delivery of products to foreign customers. Contractors who work in closed government facilities can’t report for work, causing furloughs. Major research projects at FAA, NASA, and NOAA are suspended, setting back development of game-changing technologies. And key industry-government stakeholder meetings have been cancelled or impaired because government counterparts aren’t able to attend or participate.


“Every day the shutdown lasts, the impacts grow and become more difficult and more expensive to fix,” Fanning said. “It’s time to get these dedicated public servants back to work.”