The Aerospace Industries Association today is releasing a National Aerospace Standard on cybersecurity that provides the aerospace and defense industry a dynamic, risk-based solution to addressing threats and ensuring resilience in the increasingly complex cybersecurity ecosystem.


“With aggressive state and non-state cyber actors targeting the United States, it is essential that our industry work collectively to protect technology and information,” said Eric Fanning, AIA President and CEO. “We are committed to bringing our industry together in partnership with government to implement this and other meaningful measures that keep us and our nation safer from cyber threats.”


AIA’s standard is an important step forward toward true risk-based cybersecurity. It is built around successive levels of security that establish an incentive for companies to continually adapt and improve their cyber-defense capabilities. This provides industry with a baseline for true security and serves as a companion to DOD’s current minimum standards.


We look forward to engaging with DOD on how best to incorporate this standard into their efforts to promote cybersecurity across the defense acquisition system. For more information on the standard, please visit our website; to purchase the standard please visit our National Aerospace Standards store.