Statement by David Melcher

A life of exemplary and heroic service to his country has come to an end. John Glenn, the last surviving of America’s original seven Mercury astronauts, is now one for the ages. The Aerospace Industries Association joins a thankful nation in recognizing the life of a great American hero.

For many Americans, the words “Godspeed John Glenn,” represent the heart-stopping moments when the nation stood still for the launch of our country’s first man in orbit 54 years ago. Those of us who followed Glenn’s incredible Mercury “Friendship 7” three-orbit flight and courageous reentry with a possibly damaged heat shield will never forget the elation we felt when he splashed down safely.

Another generation came to appreciate John Glenn’s devotion to the space program and space research when as a sitting U.S. Senator, he volunteered to fly as a Payload Specialist on the Space Shuttle Discovery mission (STS-95) in 1998. He did this at age 77, providing valuable data for researchers on how the human body responds to the rigors of spaceflight, and again inspiring young and old alike.

Lest we forget, John Glenn was part of a generation that by any measure proved its greatness through its service and sacrifice for freedom’s cause in two of the great conflicts of the 20th century. As a Marine Corps pilot, Glenn flew 59 fighter bomber combat missions in the Pacific Theatre of World War II, and a total of 90 missions as a combat pilot in the Korean War (27 while serving with the U.S. Air Force’s 51st Fighter Wing). Later, as a Marine Corps Test Pilot, he completed the first supersonic transcontinental flight in 1957.

John Glenn’s public life included his 24 years of service as Ohio’s United States Senator, where he was a strong advocate for national defense, research investments and was chief author of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978.

AIA and its member companies, many of whom had a proud role in John Glenn’s epic adventures, send our heartfelt condolences to Annie Glenn and the members of the Glenn family. We thank you for sharing this uncommon common man with a grateful nation.