The President’s Fiscal Year 2019 budget proposal is the vital first step to preserve our nation’s security, underwrite its economic growth, and create high-skill, high-wage jobs across America. The U.S. aerospace and defense industry has a broad array of interests in the budget, either important investments included, or programs and priorities underfunded or omitted:
AIA Vice President for International Affairs Remy Nathan:
“American industry needs a focused, comprehensive, and fully-funded government export and financing system that supports its ability to compete and win global market share. This budget’s increased funding for the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA), including more than $90 million in new funding for enforcement and compliance of existing trade agreements, is a strong investment in that system.  Yet the Administration’s wholesale elimination of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, an organization that many companies utilize to compete for business in new and emerging markets is an issue of real concern. To level the global playing field, American industry needs the full weight of the U.S. Government behind it, and in a global race for jobs, we must use every tool available to not lose pace to our aggressive foreign competition.”

AIA Vice President for Space Systems Frank Slazer:
“The FY19 budget request for NASA is disappointing given the Administration’s strong interest in civil space. NASA needs more resources to assure U.S. space leadership.  Yet the requested budget only increases 1% compared to the last budget to pass the Congress – a net cut in real dollars for our nation’s space program.  The challenges compound in future years, where projections call for a cut followed by budget stagnation. Especially concerning are shortfalls from aeronautical research to astrophysics and the future of the International Space Station.   We look forward to working with Congress to improve upon this budget request and ensuring NASA’s resources match our rhetoric of assuring American space leadership.”
AIA Vice President for National Security Policy John Luddy:
“The President has requested $716 billion for the Department of Defense and nuclear weapons programs in FY19, marking a dramatic positive change in national security investment. While the President’s FY19 budget request is a good first step, what’s needed for the foreseeable future is at least five percent real annual topline growth – provided on time – so that both DOD and industry can most efficiently produce the forces we need to meet our national defense strategy.”
AIA Vice President for Civil Aviation David Silver:
“The President’s FAA budget request is two percent below the FY17 enacted level, which would cut a number of important modernization programs that aviation users need. For instance, the NextGen modernization program represents the future of the nation’s aviation infrastructure. Yet the FY19 budget requests $952 million, an amount far below what is required for success and even below the FY17 enacted level of $1.1 billion. The request also cuts important FAA research activities. Especially with increased resources from the recent budget agreement, Congress should reject these reductions.”
Additional AIA expert analysis on the FY19 budget proposal will be released in the days and weeks ahead. Please contact AIA for additional insights from these and other experts.