Statement by Aerospace Industries Association President and CEO Marion C. Blakey commending passage of the Bipartisan Budget Deal of 2013.

Arlington, Va. – The Aerospace Industries Association applauds the hard work and dedication of Congress to reach an agreement that will help to reduce the negative impacts of sequestration during the next two years. While a broader budget deal that would have eliminated sequestration altogether would have been ideal, we recognize the leadership and significant efforts of Senator Murray and Congressman Ryan that went into reaching this agreement that passed both chambers with overwhelming support. 

We are pleased that not only will this provide some sequestration relief, it will also allow the appropriations process to proceed and develop a real budget for the remainder of this fiscal year and next so that a long term continuing resolution is not necessary. This bill represents a real demonstration of bipartisanship at a time when that is desperately needed, and we urge the President to sign it as soon as possible.

We must remember that while this gives some relief over the next two years, we remain deeply concerned about the remaining cuts and the consequences of sequestration after 2015 if not addressed. The effects are already evident across the aerospace and defense industrial base and will impact public safety, innovation and our ability to support America’s national security needs in the future. As such, we look forward to continuing to work with Congress and the administration over the next few years to seek a broader budget deal that will completely eliminate sequestration.


CONTACT:   Dan Stohr

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