The Aerospace Industries Association welcomes the short-term government funding agreement to get government operations back on track and restore stability to the hundreds of thousands of federal employees and supporting contractors who bore the unacceptable burden of the shutdown. But this is a temporary response to a problem that needs a lasting solution. 


“This deal is an important first step, but our country can’t afford continued uncertainty,” said President and CEO Eric Fanning. “Every day that we operate under a continuing resolution shortchanges taxpayers, threatens the financial security of many American families, and disrupts industry’s ability to provide vital capabilities for our safety and security.” 


The remaining appropriations bills include critical funding for space systems and the Next Generation Air Transportation System. These important functions need full FY19 appropriations to avoid even more of the increased costs and unnecessary delays experienced during the shutdown. America’s aerospace and defense industry calls on Congress and the Administration to find a bipartisan solution that finalizes government spending for FY19 and provides redress for the federal contractors who work together with government counterparts every day.


“Countless businesses, government employees, private contractors, and communities have already been harmed by the government shutdown and resulting delays in important government initiatives,” said Fanning. “We all need our elected leaders to find a long-term deal, not kick the can again.”