The Aerospace Industries Association, supported by research and analysis provided by the consulting firm Bryce Space and Technology, released a report today highlighting the growing importance of the U.S. domestic space industry to our nation’s economic vitality and security. The report: “Engine for Growth: Analysis and Recommendations for U.S. Space Industry Competitiveness,” recommends specific steps that the U.S. government should take to maximize potential for renewing American leadership in global trade and investing in infrastructure for a stronger America.
“With annual space and space-derived markets worth more than $300 billion and with new markets emerging for everything from internet communications, remote sensing, satellite servicing, transportation to space and manufacturing in space, we simply can’t afford to be left behind,” said AIA President and CEO David F. Melcher. “We must take a fresh look at the policies, regulations and tax structures impacting America’s commercial space leadership and take steps to assure U.S. space competitiveness.”
The report expands on two key areas of AIA’s advocacy, promoting both expansion of the U.S. space enterprise and space industry exports to drive national economic growth, and developing an international security cooperation framework that maximizes the American aerospace and defense industry’s contributions to both the U.S. economy and global alliances. To achieve these goals, the report provides three recommendations for strengthening U.S. Space Competitiveness:
·         “Maintain a Level Playing Field,” by enacting policies, tax structures and regulations that enable a competitive U.S. space industry.
·         “Expand Space Market Opportunities,” by preserving satellite spectrum to enable innovative new applications and systems and by ensuring a safe orbital operating environment through internationally accepted best practices.
·         “Prioritize Space Competitiveness,” through government actions to enhance space security cooperation with U.S. allies, advocate for U.S. space companies and adequately fund national security space and NASA’s space technology investments.