The Aerospace States Association will meet in Washington on June 9-10.  The meeting will include discussions and presentations on federal space policy issues of interest to ASA’s member states.  Visit for information about ASA.


June 9-10, 2003
1201 F St., NW, 11th Floor, WASHINGTON, DC

Monday June 9

1:30-1:45 Welcome and Introductions

1:45-2:45 Possible Partnership between FAA/AST and ASA to Promote Space Commerce
Patty Grace Smith, Associate Administrator for Space, FAA (Invited)
A number of near term and emerging opportunities exist for partnerships between ASA and FAA/AST. A deeper examination of these opportunities will be explored.

2:45-3:45 White House Presentation on National Space Policy Revision
Staff Member (Invited)

A presentation on the status of the White House’s review of a newly revised national space policy intended to provide direction for federal and private entities alike. This new policy will likely have a substantial effect on the industry for years to come.

3:45-5:00 Aerospace Issues before the 108th Congress, House and Senate Congressional Staff Members Presentations

There are a number of issues of great relevance to ASA member states which are either before the 108th Congress immediately, or will be in the near future. A staff member from both the House and the Senate from the 108th Congress will present their viewpoints on issues of interest to ASA member states.

5:00 Adjourn

6:00-8:00 ASA Reception (Location TBD)

Tuesday June 10

8:30-9:45 Welcome and Introductions

8:45-9:30 Status Report on Advanced Spaceport Technology Working Group (ASTWG)
Cristina Guidi, NASA KSC

Over the past two years ASTWG has combined the talents of people across the entire spectrum of the space industry to create flexible technology roadmaps which reflect the changing nature of the access to space industry.
9:45–11:30 Discussion of Key Issues before ASA

Discussion on issues brought forth from presentations held on June 9 and assigned to appropriate ASA committee for further action by ASA. Additionally, ASA delegates will be permitted to present new issues and opportunities for general discussion and assignment to committees at this time.

11:30-1:00 Lunch on your own

1:00 ASA Business Meeting

  • Welcome The Honorable Mary Fallin
  • Secretary’s Report Ivan Somers
  • Treasurer’s Report Bob Triplett
  • Counsel Comments Bob Davis
  • Executive Director’s Report Tim Huddleston

Committee Reports

  • Aeronautics
  • Space Flight
  • Education
  • Spaceports
  • Research Development/Grants
  • Policy & Government Regulations
  • Membership
  • Business Practices Review

Old Business

New Business

4:00 Adjourn