The Aerospace States Association (ASA) will conduct a hearing on October 3, 2006, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 2325 of the Rayburn House Office Building to highlight the importance of space science to the nation’s economy and education.

ASA Chairman Alaska Lieutenant Governor Loren Leman says, “Space science is important to the nation because of its economic impact as well as the role it plays to inspire the youth to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The ASA is concerned that proposed funding for space science is inadequate and is holding this hearing to identify the issues.”

The hearing will include presentations by non-profit organizations, industry and Congressional members (or their staff if Congress is in recess). Testimony will be heard from:

Non-Profit Organizations

  • AURA – Dr. William Smith, President – Hubble Space Telescope
  • USRA – Dr. David Black, President – Stratospheric Observatory for Infrafred Astronomy (SOFIA)
  • SETI – Tom Pierson, CEO – Astrobiology
  • Space Science Institute – Dr. Paul Dusenberry, Executive Director – Cassini


  • Northrop Grumman Corp. – Ron Birk, Director Civil Space Missions Integration – Webb Telescope
  • Wyle Laboratories – Drexel Smith, Senior Vice President – Manned space programs

Congressional Members

  • Rep. John Culberson, (Texas – Republican)
  • Rep. Bart Gordon (Tennessee – Democrat)

ASA is a bi-partisan organization representative of the grass roots of American aerospace. It is a scientific and educational organization of Lieutenant Governors and Governor-appointed delegates. ASA was formed to promote a state-based perspective in federal aerospace policy development and to support state aerospace initiatives that enhance student/teacher education outreach and economic development opportunities. Currently chaired by Loren Leman, Lieutenant Governor of Alaska, ASA maintains direct ties to the executive branches of state governments throughout the nation.