The Aerospace Corporation is pleased to be included in the new Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute, in partnership with the Department of Energy. President Obama announced the Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute as the ninth manufacturing hub awarded by the Obama Administration.

The Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute will focus on innovations like smart sensors that can dramatically reduce energy expenses in advanced manufacturing, making our manufacturing sector strong today and positioning the United States to lead the manufacturing of tomorrow, helping to sustain the resurgence of U.S. manufacturing currently underway. The Institute brings together nearly 200 partners focused on accelerating the development and adoption of advanced sensors, data analytics, and controls in manufacturing, while reducing the cost of these technologies by half and radically improving the efficiency of U.S. advanced manufacturing.

Aerospace joined the Institute for our interest in smart manufacturing comprised of advanced modeling, integrated sensors and systems and advanced materials and manufacturing processes. Our resources in these areas include the facilities in our Physical Science Laboratories, based on our El Segundo campus, and the expertise of our technical personnel.

The Aerospace Corporation is a California nonprofit corporation that operates a federally funded research and development center and has approximately 3,600 employees. It provides guidance and advice to military, civil and commercial customers to ensure the success of complex, technology-based programs. The Aerospace Corporation is headquartered in El Segundo, Calif., with multiple locations across the United States