Call-in: Access Number: 866-309-0490 Meeting number: *9616206*

The Aerospace Industries Association in conjunction with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is holding a press conference Tuesday, October 25, on the devastating job losses that would result from budget cuts put in motion by this summer’s debt-ceiling deal. The event marks the release of an AIA-commissioned analysis conducted by Dr. Stephen S. Fuller of George Mason University and Economic Modeling Services, Inc. The study predicts dramatic job losses and a devastating economic impact that far outstrips any value from the cuts to defense contemplated under the Budget Control Act.

Who: Marion C. Blakey, President and CEO of AIA
R. Thomas Buffenbarger, International President of IAMAW
Dr. Stephen S. Fuller, Dwight Schar Faculty Chair, University Professor and Director, Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University

What: Press briefing discussing the devastating impact on aerospace and defense jobs resulting from further defense cuts.

When: Tuesday, October 25. Doors open at 1:45pm and the briefing will begin at 2:00pm.

Where: he Zenger Room at the National Press Club, 529 14th Street.

Please RSVP to Dan Stohr at or (703) 358-1078.