The December 15 deadline for submission of abstracts for the
combined 3rd Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry Workshop and
2nd NASA/JPL Miniature Vacuum Pump Workshop is fast approaching!

The workshop will be held March 26-28, 2002 in Pasadena, CA.
Please visit the workshop website at
for more information. Our line-up of invited speakers combined
with your participation will ensure a successful workshop!
Please review the tentative agenda at

Instructions and forms for submitting an abstract (maximum
500 words, in English) can be found at

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Organizing Committee for the

3rd Harsh-Environment Mass Spectrometry Workshop

and the 2nd NASA/JPL Miniature Vacuum Pump Workshop

Please direct all questions/inquiries to:

Ellie Trevarthen

Center for In Situ Exploration and Sample Return (CISSR)

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

4800 Oak Grove Drive, M/S 306-463

Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Phone: (818) 354-6881 FAX: (818) 393-1726