Lowell Observatory is a partner institution in the just-released economic impact study prepared by the Arizona Arts, Sciences and Technology Academy (AASTA). The study, Astronomy, Planetary Sciences, and Space Sciences Research Opportunities to Advance Arizona’s Economic Growth documents:

— APSS Research in Arizona in 2006 returned a total dollar economic impact of $252.8 million. This includes $138.6 million in earnings and $12 million in tax revenues.

— a total cumulative capital investment in this astronomy and related sciences of $1.199 billion, with an additional $635.7 million planned or underway;

–a total annual economic impact of research in astronomy, planetary sciences, and space sciences (APSS) in Arizona at $252.8 million per year;

–total employment of APSS research of over 3,300 jobs; and more

plus recommendations, threats, and opportunities

Visit the AASTA Web pages for the press release, the full study, the executive summary, and background:




For updated background on Lowell Observatory, visit the Observatory’s electronic media kit and blog:



Steele Wotkyns
Public Relations Manager & Editor, StarTales
Lowell Observatory
1400 West Mars Hill Road
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 233-3232