Session Proposal Site Now Open
The 237th AAS meeting will be held jointly with our Historical Astronomy and High Energy Astrophysics Divisions in Phoenix, Arizona, 3-7 January 2021, and the AAS Executive Office and Vice-Presidents (VPs) are eager to receive proposals for Special Sessions and Town Halls!
Nominations Requested for Plenary Speakers at AAS Meetings
Plenary talks at AAS meetings span the breadth of the astronomical sciences. Some are given by prizewinners, while others are selected by the AAS VPs. Most plenaries present science content, but others cover the state of the profession and other issues relevant to the community.
The AAS VPs solicit plenary nominations. They seek engaging speakers with compelling results for talks targeted to a general audience of astronomers and college/university students. Candidates from under-represented groups and institutions are especially welcome. Self-nominations are accepted. 
Nominations received by Friday, 22 May, will be considered for AAS 237, and unselected nominees will be considered for future meetings.