Students from North Carolina State University (NCSU) are helping NASA
expand the exploration of the surface of Mars. The team of students and
researchers has designed a wind-powered rover that can be blown, like
tumbleweed, across the surface of the Red Planet collecting atmospheric
and geological samples at multiple locations.

In the Aerospace Design class at NCSU, the team of nine students and
their faculty advisor researched concept and prototype development,
studied wind tunnel testing, and performed actual field-testing with the
tumbleweed rover. The idea to study a "Mars Tumbleweed" for the class
project was initiated by team leader David Minton, while working as an
intern at NASA Langley Research Center in the summer of 2002. "Interning
at NASA was great. We got to do some really exciting research," says
Minton. His summer experience paved the way for the student project topic.

The students studied how the tumbleweed harnesses the wind for movement
using its intricate lightweight branch structure. By imitating the way
the prairie plant operates in nature, the team was able to apply their
knowledge to designing the rover concept.

The students constructed a prototype rover called the Tumbleweed Earth
Demonstrator (TED), scaled for use on Earth and based on NASA Langley
concepts. The student-built rover will aid the Mars exploration effort
at Langley, by providing preliminary data that will influence future
tumbleweed design concepts.

Current Mars rover models are very complex and expensive, and their
ability to traverse rough terrain is limited. Landing sites must be
carefully chosen to ensure the safety of the vehicle and the ability to
carry out the mission. Therefore, many scientifically interesting
Martian sites are now inaccessible.

A future mission scenario could disperse multiple Tumbleweed rovers to
roam the surface of Mars carrying instruments with unique sensors to
search for water or investigate climate. For more information about the
Mars Tumbleweed student project at NC State University, visit:

For more information about the Mars exploration efforts at NASA Langley,


Media Opportunity: Members of the media are invited to attend a
demonstration of the Mars Tumbleweed rover at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, May
14, at the H.J.E. Reid Conference Center, 14 Langley Blvd., NASA Langley
Research Center. Please contact Kimberly W. Land at (757) 864-9885 or
344-8611 (mobile) for credentials.