Investment in next generation military satellite communications (milsatcom) systems must respond to cost reduction pressures as well as demands to reduce vulnerability and improve performance.

On September 19, the Marshall Institute and the Space Enterprise Council will convene a panel discussion to consider the challenges facing U.S. MILSATCOM and options to meet those challenges.

The meeting is part of the continuing Day Without Space series, which is designed to highlight the importance of space capabilities to the national security and economic prosperity of the United States.

Todd Harrison of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments will brief his recent study of the subject (available here).

A panel discussion will follow.  Panelists include:

-Greg Edlund, Director, Communication Systems, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems

– Len Schiavone, Director of Technology,  Integrated Communications Systems, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems

– Marc Johansen, Vice President, Satellites & Intelligence Programs, Boeing

– Justin Keller, Advanced Programs Director Global Communications Systems, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Co

Date: Sept 19, 2013

Time: 9-11am

Where: TechAmerica, 601 Pennsylvania Ave, NW (North Building), Washington, DC