HeroX, the leading platform and open marketplace for crowdsourced solutions, today launched the crowdsourcing competition, “NASA Waste Jettison Mechanism Challenge”. The Challenge seeks to find a safe and reliable launching system for the disposal of non-recyclable waste during a future two to three-year crewed mission to Mars.

“Circular economy” methods such as recycling and reuse have made significant advances (see the Waste to Base Materials Challenge), but a limited amount of waste generated aboard a crewed spacecraft cannot be recycled. Non-recyclable waste could take up crucial space, and some waste products can pose risks to the spacecraft and crew.

Effectively controlled jettison operations can mitigate risks to spacecraft and avoid creating hazards or contaminants, while protecting livable volume and increasing fuel efficiency for the spacecraft. NASA is seeking an efficient and reliable jettison concept that will keep astronauts and spacecraft safe as we venture farther into deep space on roundtrip missions to Mars.

“This challenge requires creativity, and there is no doubt that our network of problem solvers will come up with something ingenious,” said Kal K. Sahota, CEO, HeroX. “I look forward to seeing the thoughtful and sustainable solutions designed by our community of innovators.”

The Challenge:  NASA’s Waste Jettison Mechanism Challenge asks the larger community to design concepts for a jettison launcher that will allow a Mars mission spacecraft to get rid of trash that can’t be recycled or reused.

The Prize: There is a total of $30,000 available in cash prizes and an opportunity to work and collaborate with NASA.

Eligibility to Compete and Win Prize(s): The prize is open to anyone aged 18 or older participating as an individual or as a team. Individual competitors and teams may originate from any country, as long as United States federal sanctions do not prohibit participation (some restrictions apply).

To accept the challenge, visit herox.com/JettisonChallenge.


HeroX is a platform and open marketplace for crowdsourcing innovation and human ingenuity, co-founded in 2013 by serial entrepreneur, Christian Cotichini and XPRIZE Founder and Futurist, Peter Diamandis. HeroX offers a turnkey, easy-to-use platform that supports anyone, anywhere, to solve everyday business and world challenges using the power of the crowd. Uniquely positioned as the Social Network for Innovation, HeroX is the only place you can build, grow and curate your very own crowd.

Explore the latest challenges at www.herox.com

Media Contact:

Alexandra Pony

