Tech Flight submissions due July 26

Working on a lunar or Martian payload? There are 12 days left to apply for funds to test your technology on a suborbital flight. The annual solicitation for NASA Flight Opportunities (a.k.a. “Tech Flights”) is open once again. Partner with us and we’ll help get your tech to the Moon and beyond!

What is NASA Flight Opportunities?

NASA’s Flight Opportunities program funds commercial flights on rockets like ours to test and demonstrate promising space technologies. These suborbital flights help payload developers advance technology readiness and reduce risks on Earth before missions to space.   

Masten has been a partner since the beginning. Our 5th generation rocket-powered lander, Xodiac, is used to validate payload integration and operations, demonstrate controlled landings, and simulate real-world surface interactions on the Moon and Mars.

We’ve tested and matured a wide variety of space technologies through this program, including JPL’s Lander Vision System for the Mars 2020 mission, UCF’s Ejecta STORM laser instrument, and Honeybee’s PlanetVac sample acquisition vacuum that’s headed to the Moon in 2023.

How do I apply?

For those familiar with the program, the process is a little different this year with two steps: a preliminary proposal and a full proposal. The preliminary proposal is due by Monday, July 26, at 5 pm EDT. This step is mandatory to receive an invitation to submit a full proposal for your technology. Check out NASA’s solicitation for more details.

Keep in mind that joint proposals can be submitted with a Flight Opportunities partner like Masten. Reach out to us directly if there’s interest! 

How much funding will I receive if selected?

The program offers up to $650K for flight testing and development. This includes the design, development, and preparation of the payload for flight. It also includes post-flight analysis and reporting, travel in support of the flight, and other indirect costs.

Who’s eligible to apply?

The program is open to all U.S. private entities (for-profit & non-profit), Federally Funded Research & Development Centers, and U.S. universities.

What are the key deadlines?

Preliminary Proposals Due: July 26, 2021, 5:00 pm EDT

Preliminary Proposal Downselect Date: August 2021 (TARGET)

Full Proposals Due: October 4, 2021, 5:00 pm EDT

Selection Date: December 2021 (TARGET)

Award Date: February 2022 (TARGET)

Ready to apply? Get in touch with me directly and we’ll help with next steps!

Richelle Weihe

Proposal Manager

Masten Space Systems, Inc.