Tom Zelibor, CEO of Space Foundation, a nonprofit advocate organization founded in 1983 for the global space ecosystem, issued the following statement today on the passing of Maj. Gen. Michael Collins, USAF, Command Module Pilot for the Apollo 11 mission and pilot of the Gemini 10 mission.


“Michael Collin’s life of service changed history in ways that are truly immeasurable because they still resonate today. A career of military service to his country and as part of the world’s boldest of missions — the successful flight and landing of Apollo 11 — Maj. Gen. Collins personified fortitude, character and grace.


As the first director of the most-visited museum in the United States, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, his leadership ensured that the never-ending stories of human flight on Earth and in space were not only captured and preserved but also made accessible to all. We are all better off for his life of service because the missions on which he served are still influential to space exploration today. We at Space Foundation feel enriched and inspired by his legacy, and we extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends.”


About Space Foundation


Space Foundation is a nonprofit advocate organization founded in 1983, offering a gateway to education, information and collaboration for space exploration and space-inspired industries that define the global space ecosystem. Driven by a partnership model, Space Foundation operates three divisions that unite the entire spectrum of stakeholders — business, government, education and local communities — through corporate membership, sponsorship, fundraising and grants. Center for Innovation and Education is a lifelong learning platform, offering workforce development and economic opportunity for students, teachers, entrepreneurs and professionals. Symposium 365 is the premier source for media and events, offering authoritative news and information and venues for networking and conducting business, including the world-renowned Space Symposium and The Space Report. Global Alliance facilitates collaboration around the world for open dialogues and joint programs. Visit Space Foundation at, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.