The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration (Coalition) commends the Biden Administration on its decision to continue the National Space Council. Space is a crucial priority for the United States, and our continued commitment to leadership in space is key to maintaining national security, understanding Earth’s changing climate, expanding our knowledge in science and technology, generating economic revenue, and inspiring humanity as we explore the universe. Sustained coordination across multiple federal agencies through the National Space Council will ensure the United States can effectively address existing and emerging issues in space. 


“A whole-of-government approach through a body such as the Space Council, with clear objectives stemming from the White House and informed by the broader community, will provide the necessary forum to ensure the continued coordination of space policy,” said the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration’s Acting President and CEO Andrew Allen.


About the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration

The Coalition for Deep Space Exploration is a national organization of more than 60 space industry businesses and universities focused on ensuring the United States remains a leader in space, science and technology. Based in Washington D.C., the Coalition engages in outreach and education reinforcing the value and benefits of human space exploration, space science and commerce with the public and our nation’s leaders, building lasting support for a long-term, sustainable, strategic direction for our nation’s space program.