Today, Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) and Ranking Member Frank Lucas (R-OK) along with Subcommittee on Research and Technology Chairwoman Haley Stevens (D-MI) and Ranking Member Michael Waltz (R-FL) introduced the National Science Foundation for the Future Act. This legislation increases the funding for more excellent research; advances research and development to address persistent challenges in STEM education across all education levels; addresses challenges for data access and accountability, as well as security threats that undermine the integrity of Federally funded research; and creates a new Directorate for Science and Engineering Solutions (SES) that will enable the Foundation to take big risks and experiment with new approaches to accelerating the translation of science and technology into solutions to society’s major challenges.
“To fully realize the potential of science to benefit society, we must fund more research on the questions that matter to the American people,” said Chairwoman Johnson. “Our competitiveness with China and other nations drives much of the national discourse around innovation because our economic and national security depend on our leadership in science and technology. However, competitiveness with China will not be possible if we do not unleash our nation’s STEM talent on the full range of challenges we face. Surely the COVID-19 pandemic has made that clear to all of us. And the fact is, researchers and students are inspired by finding solutions, whether they be to scientific or societal challenges. In this bill, we seek to inspire.”
“America’s continued scientific leadership requires strategic investment in basic and fundamental research,” said Ranking Member Lucas. “This legislation prioritizes NSF funding for the industries of the future that will drive our continued economic growth, like quantum information sciences, artificial intelligence, supercomputing, cybersecurity, and advanced manufacturing. I appreciate Chairwoman Johnson for working with me to craft a bipartisan bill that addresses these objectives and also includes provisions on research security, which has been a growing concern for Republicans on our Committee. I look forward to working together through the legislative process to further refine our approach to American research.”
“The National Science Foundation is a cornerstone of American scientific research and innovation,” said Research and Technology Subcommittee Chairwoman Stevens. “When we invest in American scientists, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. That’s why I’m proud to champion the mission of the NSF and excited to introduce the NSF authorization with my colleagues today to ensure that our nation’s research enterprise is better able to make the investments we need to keep the United States at the forefront of global innovation.”
“The future of America’s economy will be dependent on investment in R&D and STEM education to maintain our advantage on China after falling behind during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Research and Technology Subcommittee Ranking Member Waltz. “I am grateful Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas are leading this bipartisan effort to invest in America’s future, however, additional investigative and enforcement provisions are needed to secure federally funded research as the legislative process continues. The United States must continue to lead the global community in improving cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, computing, and other much-needed technological advances and this legislation takes us a step in the right direction.”