The Commercial Spaceflight Federation applauds NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine’s announcement that NASA will develop a process to fly NASA employees, including its astronauts and researchers, on commercial suborbital spacecraft. Commercial spaceflight companies have been leading the world in cutting-edge suborbital research in partnership with NASA’s Flight Opportunities program, and today’s Request For Information (RFI) is another opportunity to expand that leadership.


“At a time when a growing number of commercial space companies are providing cost-effective and frequent access to microgravity environments in suborbital, orbital, and deep space, it is important for NASA to fully utilize these innovative capabilities to contribute to NASA’s broad portfolio of science, exploration, education, and technology development missions,” said Eric Stallmer, President of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation.  “Administrator Bridenstine’s announcement and NASA’s RFI is another step towards achieving that goal. We applaud and thank Administrator Bridenstine for his leadership and look forward to working with the agency to advance this exciting capability to fly NASA astronauts.”