The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) committed today to work jointly in supporting young people in line with the SecretaryGeneral’s ‘Youth 2030 strategy’, launched in September 2018. On 15 February, UNOOSA Director Simonetta Di Pippo and SGAC Executive Director Clementine Decoopman signed a Memorandum of Understanding for this new partnership.

Under the MoU, UNOOSA and SGAC have agreed to deliver a global ‘Space for Youth’ Competition aimed at engaging youth in the discussion of how space science and technology can be used to power the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The competition will invite participants to submit examples of space supporting SDGs in their communities and to amplify the voice of the youth in space policy-making by issuing the winning entries to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).

“The Office for Outer Space Affairs, as the UN’s gateway to space, provides space solutions to global challenges which can only be addressed by a collective effort of all countries. The youth is the future of this planet and through the competition, we ensure that their voices are heard through one of the biggest committees of the United Nations General Assembly. Furthermore, through our collaboration with SGAC this is also a great example of Sustainable Development Goal 17 “Partnerships for the Goals” in action said Ms. Di Pippo, Director of UNOOSA.

“SGAC is thrilled to strengthen our relationship with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. We share a common mission towards the involvement of the next generation in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Both SGAC and UNOOSA are committed to providing capacity building opportunities to bridge the gap between spare faring and emerging space nations and contribute to the progress of humanity through the peaceful uses of space. This partnership will pave the way towards closer collaboration between our two organisations for the engagement and participation of the youth in UN initiatives”, said Clementine Decoopman, Executive Director, Space Generation Advisory Council.

The MOU was signed on the side-lines of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee (STSC) of COPUOS which is taking place from 11 to 22 February in the Vienna International Centre (VIC). COPUOS brings together 92 Member States and 41 Permanent Observers and serves as a unique platform at the global level to debate contemporary developments and challenges to outer space activities.

The MOU between UNOOSA and SGAC entered into effect on 15 February 2019 and will remain in force until 15 February 2020.

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For more information, please contact:

Ottavia Pesce

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Telephone: (+43-1) 26060-8718

Email: ottavia.pesce[at]