The U.S. House Science, Space, and Technology Committee today announced growing support for the
NASA Authorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 5503). The committee
approved the legislation Tuesday by a bipartisan vote of 26-7. Keep reading to see what they’re saying.

programs supporting civil, commercial and national security
applications are at the center of American achievement and innovation
and support tens of thousands of high-paying
jobs in the space industrial base. The NASA authorization bill
demonstrates Congress’ continued commitment to U.S. leadership and
superiority in space through FY19.” –
Aerospace Industries Association

American Society for Gravitational and Space Research is writing in
support of the proposed NASA re-authorization for FY18 and FY19. We are
particularly supportive of statements
in the bill that express support for microgravity research in the
context of the International Space Station (ISS) mission Section 202
(a)(2).” –
Cynthia Martin-Brennan, executive director; Anna-Lisa Paul, president, American Society for Gravitational and Space Research

is pleased to see that the Search for Life elsewhere in the Universe
continues to be supported by the Committee as a NASA goal…As you are no
doubt aware, AURA priorities continue
to be: robust support for the James Webb Space Telescope, especially
for its operational phase after launch when the real science gets done;
and successful completion of WFIRST with a coronagraph, crucial for
detecting bio-signatures on planets around other
stars…We are happy to work with the Committee to ensure that NASA’s
search for life elsewhere is successful, and that NASA’s astrophysics
missions continue to create world-class science for the United States.” –
Matt Mountain, president, Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy

is only fitting that this Authorization bill reasserts the need for
NASA to support U.S. lunar lander capabilities as we approach the 50th
anniversary of the Apollo 11 in FY 2019.
Thank you for your leadership and support in this bill for NASA,
industry and the science communities’ efforts to restore American access
to the lunar surface as quickly as possible.” –
John Thornton, CEO, Astrobotic 

Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership supports the efforts of
Congressman Babin to further America’s human spaceflight program through
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Authorization Act of 2018. The Congressman has recognized the roles of
the International Space Station in the development of NASA’s deep space
exploration program and in the development of commercial space. We
support the continued NASA operation of the International
Space Station beyond 2024 allowing for the sensible transition of
operation to commercial entities, based on the development of
capabilities by commercial operators. This approach to the utilization
of the International Space Station will ensure America’s
continued leadership and presence in space.” –
Bob Mitchell, president, Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership

bill reaffirms support and full funding for the Space Launch System and
NASA’s human exploration program, authorizes the Lunar Orbital
Platform-Gateway to support crewed missions
in deep space, supports continued development and operation of a safe
and reliable Commercial Crew capability and reasserts support for the
International Space Station, which is one of our Nation’s most important
research assets. It also supports a healthy
aeronautics research directorate that contributes to our nation’s
aerospace economy.” –
Tim Keating, executive vice president, Boeing

appreciate the Committee’s continued support and strong funding for the
Commercial Crew and Commercial Cargo programs, recognizing their
critical importance to continued ISS operations
and, indeed, America’s human spaceflight program. CSF Members also
support the Committee’s work regarding commercial low Earth orbit (LEO)
activities, and critical path redundancy for operations beyond LEO, and
public-private partnerships for lunar surface
operations…We support the Committee’s authorization of full funding for
the Administration’s proposal for increased commercial operations in
LEO. The legislation recognizes the need for a national policy and
strategy for microgravity research, the continuation
of a National Laboratory during and beyond an ISS transition, the
purchase of commercial supply of space products for space exploration
missions, and support for Flight Opportunities program.” –
Eric W. Stallmer, president, Commercial Spaceflight Federation

behalf of Lockheed Martin, I would like to that you and your staffs for
your efforts on the NASA Authorization Act of 2018. Your work with
stakeholders to make improvements through
a Manager’s Amendment aligns the bill with the Committee’s commitment
to our nation’s deep space exploration and human spaceflight programs.
This effort is much appreciated…We further appreciate the bill’s
reaffirmation of support and full funding for Orion,
NASA’s human exploration program, and the development of a lunar
Robert Rangel, senior vice president, Lockheed Martin

the world’s leading space-based manufacturer, Made In Space is a major
user of the International Space Station (ISS) and its National
Laboratory (NL). As such, we believe it is
critically important that Congress develop and implement a plan to
maximize the use and commercialization of the ISS and its NL, as well as
a transition plan that ensures a seamless transfer of capabilities,
including the NL, as the ISS reaches the end of
its life. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Authorization Act of 2018 helps accomplish these important goals, and
Made In Space supports the bill.” –
Andrew Rush, CEO, Made in Space

greatly appreciate the committee authorizing full funding for the two
new lunar exploration programs proposed in NASA’s 2019 Budget, the Lunar
Discovery and Exploration Program
within NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and the Advanced Cislunar and
Surface Capabilities program within NASA’s Advanced Exploration Systems
program. This combined Lunar Exploration Campaign will ensure that
America leads in exploration of our nearest celestial
neighbor.” –
Robert Richards, founder & CEO, Moon Express

are fortunate as a country to have leaders such as you who understand
the challenges we face and are willing to act to improve American
competitiveness in space. I am particularly
pleased with the inclusion in your legislation of the recently proposed
Commercial LEO Development program with a focus on enabling, developing
and deploying multiple commercial orbital platforms and authorizing
$150,000,000 for these purposes in Fiscal Year
2019… Thank you in advance for your consideration of my strong support
for the Fiscal Years 2018/2019 NASA reauthorization measure.” –
Jeffrey Manber, CEO, NanoRacks

behalf of the National Space Grant Alliance, I want to thank the
Chairman for including a reauthorization of the National Space Grant
College and Fellowship Program in H.R. 5503,
the NASA Reauthorization Bill for 2018 and 2019. We would also like to
state our support as well for the reauthorization of NASA’s Office of
Education and the broad programs that are funded through that office.” –
John B. Kosmatka, chair, National Space Grant Alliance 

Planetary Society is pleased to see the House Science Committee advance
H.R. 5503 as amended, and is particularly supportive of its
recommendation for a critical funding increase
to planetary science while maintaining overall balance in the science
mission directorate and NASA writ large…The Planetary Science Division
is in a period of rebuilding, and the $2.6 billion authorization would
be a critical step in maintaining U.S. leadership
in space science and exploration in the next decade…We commend the
committee for working in a bipartisan manner during the markup

to support all of space science and exploration at NASA, and its
efforts to forge a consensus path forward for the nation’s space
program.” –
Casey Dreier, director of space policy, The Planetary Society

Florida applauds the work that the House Science, Space, &
Technology Committee put into developing the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration Authorization Act of 2018…Space
Florida is glad to see the House taking a strong leadership approach to
providing direction to NASA.” –
Frank A. DiBello, president & CEO, Space Florida

you for your leadership in bringing H.R. 5503, the NASA Reauthorization
Bill for 2018 and 2019, before the full committee for deliberation. The
bill’s record high authorization
numbers in critical areas such as science, aeronautics, and human
exploration are a testament to the committee’s desire to keep our nation
at the forefront of technology and innovation for the future…Texas
A&M is also a Space Grant College, and we are committed
to training the next generation of students for careers in the growing
aerospace field. We appreciate that the committee funds the NASA
Education account at $100 million and includes full funding for the
Space Grant program.” –
John Sharp, chancellor, Texas A&M University System

behalf of Vector Launch, part of emerging multi-billion-dollar
commercial space industry, we very much support the NASA Authorization
bill that, among other innovative initiatives,
strongly encourages NASA to rely on commercial services & products
in order to reduce the bill for the American taxpayer, refocus on its
core R&D capabilities while advancing America’s leadership in
space.” –
Vector Launch

write to thank you for the inclusion of language in your Manager’s
Amendment to continue authorization of the 21st Century Launch Complex
program, which provides vital infrastructure
support for NASA’s launch complexes and ranges that support cargo
resupply missions to the International Space Station (ISS), including at
Wallops Flight Facility. We appreciate the work you and your staff have
done to help support this reauthorization and
it will ensure that NASA’s launch ranges are prepared to meet the
growing demands of our space program in the years ahead.” –
Dale K. Nash, executive director & CEO, Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority


Letters of Support for the NASA Authorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 5503) can be found here:


Aerospace Industries Association

American Society
for Gravitational and Space Research

of Universities for Research in Astronomy


Bay Area Houston Economic


Commercial Spaceflight Federation

Lockheed Martin

Made in Space

Moon Express


National Space Grant Alliance 

Planetary Society

Space Florida

The Texas A&M University System

Vector Launch

Commercial Space Flight Authority