The application process for the SETI Institute’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program is now open, and the application deadline is February 1, 2018.

2018 will mark the 13th
year that the SETI Institute’s REU program has hosted students who will
be paired with SETI Institute research scientists for a ten-week summer
internship program, June 17, 2018 – August 25, 2018. Funded by the
National Science Foundation, projects span the field of astrobiology
including microbiology, planetary geology, observational astronomy, and,
of course, SETI.

This year we plan to accept ten students. Available mentors for the 2018 program include Pascal Lee, Virginia Gulick, Janice Bishop, David Summers, Ann Marie Cody, Peter Jenniskens, Lori Fenton, Jill Tarter, Gerry Harp, Doug Caldwell, Cristina Dalle Ore, Franck Marchis, and Matthew Tiscareno.

The SETI Institute’s REU program
is open to current sophomore and junior undergraduate students who are
U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Participants will receive a
stipend of $5,000 and be provided with dormitory housing.  Additional
funding is available for travel to and from the San Francisco Bay Area,
and to help selected students present the results of their research at a
professional meeting. 

In addition to working with
research scientists at the SETI Institute and the nearby NASA Ames
Research Center, the program includes a trip to the SETI Institute’s
Allen Telescope Array in Hat Creek, CA, as well as a field experience at
hydrothermal systems at Lassen Volcanic National Park. Other student
field trips will include Lick Observatory, the NASA Ames wind tunnel,
and other locations of scientific interest. At the end of the summer,
students will give presentations of their research projects.

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