The High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society (HEAD/AAS) is soliciting nominations and submissions for the 12th David N. Schramm Award []. The purpose of the Schramm Award is to recognize and stimulate distinguished writing on high-energy astrophysics.

Submissions must be received by Friday, February 17, 2017; articles for this award must have been published between December 21, 2015, and February 16, 2017. High-energy astrophysics incorporates experimental and theoretical studies of high-energy photons and particles from the cosmos, including the disciplines of X-ray, gamma-ray and cosmic-ray astronomy, as well as the study of gravitational waves.

All forms of science reporting — including blog entries, online-only articles, and other multimedia — will be considered. Each author may submit two separate pieces. Please note that only electronic submissions will be accepted. Therefore, if only hard copies of articles exist, please have them scanned into an easy-to-read format such as PDF. All submissions must be emailed to Megan Watzke ( by the deadline above.

The Schramm Award consists of a prize of $1,500 and a plaque containing a citation given to the author of the article judged best by the committee. The publisher of the winning work will receive a certificate honoring the publication in which the work appeared. The award is sponsored by HEAD/AAS, which will pay the winning author’s personal travel expenses so that the award can be received in person at the next HEAD meeting, which will be held August, 20-24, 2017, in Idaho. This meeting also coincides with the timing and path of the total solar eclipse that will cross North America next summer. A commitment to attend the HEAD meeting is strongly urged for the winner of the Schramm Award. More information on the HEAD meeting, which is open to all journalists with no registration fee, is available at

The entries will be judged by a distinguished committee selected by the Executive Committee of the HEAD/AAS. The results will be announced on March 31, 2017. The decision of this judging committee will be final.

David Schramm was a distinguished scientist who is widely regarded as the founder of the field of particle astrophysics, a discipline where cosmology and particle physics meet.

Megan Watzke
HEAD Press Officer
Chandra X-ray Center
+1 617-496-7998