The Board of Directors of Explore Mars, Inc. is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Cassady (Aerojet Rocketdyne; and Explore Mars board member) as Explore Mars’ Executive Vice President, and Rick Zucker as its Vice President, Policy. Both gentlemen bring to their new roles many years of experience and service within the space community and with Explore Mars.

?Explore Mars President Artemis Westenberg stated, “Having Joe Cassady as our wingman where rockets and propulsion are concerned is a great asset not only to me but also to our entire organization. Joe’s knowledge, expertise, and professionalism are well-recognized in the space community as well as by Explore Mars, making him the absolute right person for the job”.

Westenberg added, “?For over a decade Rick Zucker has been an organizer and leader of volunteer efforts that seek to have the voices of the space advocacy community be heard. He has also served Explore Mars in many invaluable ways. Acknowledging his worth to the Humans to Mars effort with his new title of Vice President, Policy, is in line with his tremendous work as a space activist.”

Joe Cassady commented, “I am excited by the progress we have made since Explore Mars was founded in 2010, and I look forward to working with the organization in even more ambitious projects in my new role.” Added Rick Zucker, “Space advocacy has always been a passion of mine, and it is both an honor and a privilege to be part of such a true activist organization as Explore Mars.”

Explore Mars, Inc. is looking forward to working with both Joe and Rick in their new roles and together furthering the organization’s programs and efforts in support of Humans to Mars.