CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, today joined other industry leaders in supporting the 2016 NASA Transition Authorization Act (S. 3346).

This bill will facilitate national defense, science and exploration objectives and focuses on the desire to avoid disruption to NASA’s human spaceflight program during the upcoming presidential transition. 

“CompTIA’s Space Enterprise Council urges the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee to support the NASA Transition Authorization Act’s provision for the continuity of space programs and activities during the upcoming presidential administration transition in order to ensure a balanced and robust set of missions in science, space technology, aeronautics, human spaceflight and exploration, and education,” said David Logsdon, senior director, public sector, CompTIA.

“The next administration will inherit a solid human space exploration foundation on which it can build. In order for our nation to remain a leader, we must continue the momentum,” Logsdon added.

CompTIA’s Space Enterprise Council represents all sectors of the industry including commercial, civil and national security space. As a forum for space-related companies, the council brings together the collective power of CompTIA and its diverse members into a single, unified voice to advocate member interests to policymakers.