(Dallas, TX) –Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson’s (D-TX) statement is below.

“Today, July 20th, is a significant day in the history of space exploration. It marks the 40th anniversary of the first successful landing on Mars by a U.S. spacecraft, Viking 1, as well as the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. In reality, though, every day is a day to celebrate space exploration. There are currently six humans orbiting the Earth aboard the International Space Station, the spacecraft Juno is orbiting Jupiter, Curiosity continues to explore the surface of Mars, and the Voyager spacecraft is now in interstellar space. All that we have learned from the many missions into space is used for the common good. Moreover, the technologies that NASA pioneered in its carrying out its exploration initiatives have helped enable the development of a vibrant commercial space industry. As we honor these missions and all of those who made these monumental accomplishments possible, we should also look to the future and commit to sustaining vital space exploration programs at NASA.”

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