On Friday, the Commercial Spaceflight Federation hosted its second in a series of Executive Leadership Forums, an open dialogue for policymakers, industry leaders and stakeholders to discuss key issues and opportunities in the commercial spaceflight industry.

Friday’s keynote speaker, Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-WA) said that, “The commercial space industry is fueling growth today. It’s at the forefront of some of the most exciting new technologies that can create quality jobs and ignite a new passion in our kids for math and science.”

Rep. Kilmer serves on the House Appropriations Committee and the Interior and Environment Subcommittee and Commerce, Justice, and Science Subcommittee.

As a leading advocate in the House of Representatives, Rep. Kilmer supports policies that enhance continued space innovation and job creation. He was a coauthor of the Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act, signed into law by President Obama in November 2015, that promotes American space commerce and creates new opportunities for job creation and growth in the U.S. space economy.

CSF President Eric Stallmer expressed “deep gratitude for Representative Kilmer’s continued support on commercial space issues and for his leadership in securing funding to enhance innovation. We are grateful for the Congressman’s leadership on policies that will expand growth in the industry and preserve our nation’s competitive edge in space.”

“In the 21st century Space Race, I want to make sure that our nation stays ahead of the competition. That’s why I’ll continue to push for policies that support the growth of new commercial space ventures and ensure that breakthroughs happen on our shores, not someplace else,” said Rep. Kilmer.