Global Astronomy Month 2016 (#GAM2016) fills the entire month of April again with exciting programs for astronomy enthusiasts worldwide. Whether it’s stargazing, sharing with the public, or the cosmos in art, there is something for everyone in GAM 2016.

Global Astronomy Month (GAM,, organized each April by Astronomers Without Borders, is the world’s largest annual global celebration of astronomy. Each GAM brings new ideas and new opportunities, and GAM 2016 is no exception, once again bringing enthusiasts together worldwide to celebrate Astronomers Without Borders’ motto One People, One Sky.

Watch the HD Video Promo Trailer on AWB’s YouTube Channel:

Dozens of programs fill the month of April, with highlighted events worldwide including…

* OPTICKS: a Cosmic Mail Art, transmits images to the Moon and back as radio signals in real time.

* Faces of Astronomy: Astronomers Without Borders is nothing without its community. With the launch of Faces of Astronomy on April 18 we’re sharing the stories of people worldwide, highlighting differences and similarities of everyone in the AWB global astronomy community. Stories of astronomy as hobby and science, inspiration and hope, culture and tradition will be shared with the world, and the AWB Facebook page will highlight one new photo and story every day.

* Thousands will view the heavens through telescopes provided by amateur astronomers and science centers during the Global Star Party, SunDay, and other observing events.

* Online observing with popular astronomer Gianluca Masi will feature live interaction with a worldwide audience in the hugely popular Online Messier Marathon. The Virtual Telescope Project will offer a tour of the brightest star clusters, nebulae and galaxies in the sky in one night.

* AWB’s wide-ranging AstroArts program connects art and culture with astronomy in exciting ways with blog posts and special live webcasts, including the annual Cosmic Concert with original music composed and performed by Giovanni Renzo.

* Partner programs bring new audiences and participants: Measuring light pollution worldwide in Globe at Night, classrooms discovering asteroids in the International Asteroid Search Campaign, and more.

Learn more about GAM 2016 programs on the website at

The GAM 2016 website is the hub of all activities, with galleries, articles, and fresh content continuously posted. GAM participants will be adding their reports and photos about their local GAM events and program from all parts of the world.

Here is the schedule of our GAM happenings to date:

March 1 – April 30: AstroPoetry Contest for GAM2016
March 30 – April 22: International Earth and Sky Photo Contest 2016
March 30 – April 8: Globe at Night
March 31 – May 5: IASC Asteroid Search Campaign
April 1-30: Children’s AstroArt Contest
April 1-30: The Undiscovered Universe (Observing Challenge)
April 1-30: Lunar Explorations (Observing Challenge)
April 1-30: Shoot for the Moon (Observing Challenge)
April 4: Online Messier Marathon (Online Observing Event)
April 4-10: International Dark Sky Week 2016
April 9: OPTICKS
April 10-11: The Moon plows through the Hyades (Observing Challenge)
April 10-24: Mars the Wanderer (Observing Challenge)
April 16: Global Star Party for GAM 2016
April 18-24: Diverse Universe Week
April 18: Faces of Astronomy
April 19: Astrophotography: The quest for the perfect picture (Live Hangout)
April 24: SunDay
April 28: Cosmic Concert for GAM 2016
April 29 – May 8: Globe at Night
May 9: Transit of Mercury

Mike Simmons
President, Astronomers Without Borders
+1 (818) 597 0223, cell: +1 (818) 486 7633

Christie McMonigal
GAM 2016 Coordinator
Sydney, Australia

Andrew Fazekas
AWB Communications Manager
+1 (514) 620 1672

Astronomers Without Borders ( connects people worldwide through innovative programs that are accessible to everyone regardless of geography and culture. Combining local events with online technology and a global community, Astronomers Without borders is a leader in promoting understanding and peaceful international relations, while also supporting outreach and education in astronomy.