Washington, D.C. – The Science, Space, and Technology Committee today approved the FAA Leadership in Groundbreaking High-Tech R&D Act, or FLIGHT R&D Act, a bill introduced by Rep. Steve Knight (R-Calif).

Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas): “The FLIGHT R&D Act ensures that America remains at the forefront of civil aviation innovation and strengthens the FAA’s ability to defend against cybersecurity threats. We should make strategic investments today that will enable America to continue to push the boundaries of aerospace science, maintain a safe and secure aviation transportation system, and allow for a healthy and growing aviation economy.

“It is unfortunate that the minority attempted to use petty dilatory tactics to block consideration of important legislation. Rather than debate the merits of particular amendments to the bill, the minority tried to obstruct the Committee from doing its business on behalf of the American people. The Ranking Member falsely claimed that the majority scheduled the markup to intentionally create scheduling conflicts for minority members. In fact, the meeting was noticed last Friday. Inevitably, more than one committee is going to be meeting at the same time. Members face conflicts every week. But Members should be able to set their priorities. The majority consulted with the minority throughout the process, complied with all House rules, and stood ready to accept six minority amendments, including that of the Ranking Member. The minority tried to shut down consideration of the bill in order to avoid voting against amendments that would improve aviation safety for the American people.”

The Science Committee has jurisdiction over all civil aviation research and development.