Media are invited to attend a technology demonstration of NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Integrated Display and Environmental Awareness System (IDEAS) with Steve Jurczyk, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate in Washington, at 10:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday, Dec. 9.

The event will highlight the development of IDEAS, a unique technology that has the potential to improve mission safety and efficiency.

The demonstration will take place at 189 South Orange Avenue, Suite 2020, in Orlando, Florida, and does not require a government-issued badge.

IDEAS is a wearable, optical computer system that allows users to view and modify information on an interactive display. It comes from a collaboration between NASA and Purple Rock Scissors, a digital creative agency in Orlando.

An early career team at Kennedy manages the IDEAS project as part of the agency’s Game Changing Development Program. The program is funded by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, which is responsible for developing the cross-cutting, pioneering, new technologies and capabilities needed by the agency to achieve its current and future missions. The NASA team has partnered with Abacus Technology, the Florida Institute of Technology and Purple Rock Scissors on the project.

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