e2v has launched a new grade of high-performance microprocessors based on the multicore processors from the Freescale QorIQ family. These processors still produce tens of Gflop of performance, but in addition deliver space grade reliability through e2v’s proven radiation-tolerant semiconductor technology.

The thorough quality checks on each batch of e2v’s processors tackle quality issues that can arise in the complex supply-chain models that traditional commercial semiconductor manufacturers sometimes adopt. Through rigorous inspection procedures, screening, dynamic burn-in and qualification on each batch, e2v eliminates potential defects, guaranteeing the delivery of defect-free flight units that are available through an optimized cost structure, making them perfect for commercial space programs. Suitable space applications include satellite constellations, cubesats and microsats, low earth orbit satellites and launch vehicles.

Richard Gibbs, President of Semiconductors at e2v, commented, “We are delighted to be able to provide such high-performance processors to commercial space programs. The new quality grade eliminates any chance of early failures, guaranteeing the reliability which space applications demand.”

Visit e2v at AIAA Space 2015 on booth 406 or visit www.e2v.com/semis to find out more.