The ASGSR Awards Committee is soliciting nominations for the awards listed below from the membership at large. The awards will be presented at the upcoming American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Annual Meeting Banquet in November in Alexandria. Please take a moment to review the categories, think about a deserving candidate, and send your nomination!

1. Thora W. Halstead Young Investigator Award: This award was established to honor a young scientist (usually under 40) who exemplifies Thora’s drive and enthusiasm for science, and who has made significant contributions to the field of gravitational research.

2. Orr Reynolds Distinguished Service Award: This award is made to an individual for distinguished service to the Society “above and beyond the call of duty.”

3. Founder’s Award: This award is the highest honor given by the Society. It is made to a member of the Society for distinguished scientific contributions to and leadership in the field of gravitational research.

For more information about the awards, including a list of past recipients, please see:

Nominations should be accompanied by the name and professional address of the candidate and a short Curriculum Vitae, along with a paragraph outlining why the candidate is particularly deserving of the award. Please submit nominations by e-mail to Dr. John Z. Kiss, Chair, Awards Committee ( The deadline for receiving nominations is September 18, 2015.