NASA mentor-protégé agreements between Teledyne Brown Engineering of Huntsville, Alabama, and Alabama State University of Montgomery, and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, will be signed during ceremonies at 1 p.m. July 27 at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville.

The agreements are under Teledyne’s NASA Mission Operations and Integration Contract. Universities and students participating in this program will receive assistance in developing multi-media training for International Space Station Payload Ground Support Personnel and Payload Developers.

Speakers at the ceremony will include Marshall Center Deputy Director Teresa Vanhooser; Kim Whitson, director of Marshall’s Office of Procurement; David Brock, Marshall’s small business specialist; Jan Hess, president, Dwight Mosby, and Nicole Pelfrey of Teledyne Brown Engineering; Leon Wilson of Alabama State University; Nancy Rapoport and Zachary Miles of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; and Mary Traweek, Marshall’s Mission Operations and Integration Contracting officer representative.

The 12-month agreement between Teledyne Brown Engineering and Alabama State University is the fifth such agreement between a Marshall prime contractor and a Historically Black College and University. The 12-month agreement with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is the first such agreement between a Marshall prime contractor and a Minority-Serving Institution.

The NASA Mentor-Protégé Program was established in 2008 by NASA’s Office of Small Business Programs. It allows NASA prime contractors opportunities to enter into agreements with small businesses and historically black colleges and universities/minority serving institutions under their subcontracting programs, to establish long-term relationships, enhance technical capabilities, and enable protégés to successfully compete for larger, more complex prime contract and subcontract awards. Marshall oversaw NASA’s first Mentor-Protégé signing agreement in February 2008.

Media interested in covering the event should contact Angela Storey in the Marshall Public & Employee Communications Office at 256-544-0632 no later than 9 a.m. July 27.

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