NASA astronaut and U.S. Navy Capt. Sunita Williams delivered the keynote address at the June 8 opening ceremony of the 28th International Space University (ISU) Space Studies Program (SSP) 2015.

An intensive nine-week professional development program, the ISU SSP will draw more than 110 participants from 30 countries around the world.

“Working with our international partners and the science community drives cooperation and collaboration to new levels,” Williams said. “Boundaries that divide countries disappear when scientists and astronauts work together to fuel scientific discovery on and off the planet.”

Williams shared her experience as commander of the International Space Station and information about the scientific opportunities the orbiting laboratory presents. The station serves as the world’s leading laboratory, conducting cutting-edge research and developing technology that will enable human and robotic exploration of destinations beyond low-Earth orbit.

Participants in SSP 2015 may someday lead research and technology to help extend the reach of humanity. ISU’s program covers all aspects of space programs and enterprises. Disciplines highlighted include space sciences; space engineering; space policy, economics and law; space management and business; space humanities; space applications; and human performance in space.

“ISU’s SSP complements NASA’s goals,” Williams said. “Everything NASA does is aimed at improving life on Earth and raising the bar of human achievement.”

SSP 2015 is being hosted by Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, with NASA’s Glenn Research Center (GRC) in Cleveland, Ohio as the agency partner. As part of the partnership, GRC will provide lecturers as well as science and engineering experts to support ISU’s academic curriculum at Ohio University. GRC will also host ISU participants on a two-day tour of world-class research and testing facilities at both its Lewis Field and Plum Brook Station locations.

Each summer, ISU hosts the SSP in different locations around the world. Recent locations include Graz (Austria), Melbourne (Florida, USA), Strasbourg (France), and Montreal (Canada).

For more information about Astronaut Sunita Williams, visit:

For more information about NASA’s Johnson Space Center, visit:

For more information about the International Space University, visit: