On 25 February 2015, Khrunichev Space Center (Khrunichev) and OAO Gazprom Space Systems (GSS) signed a number of documents envisaging expanded strategic cooperation between the two companies.
In furtherance of the Company Rehab Program, Andrey KALINOVSKY, Khrunichev Acting CEO, and Nikolai SEVASTIANOV, GSS Designer-General, met at Khrunichev’s Proton assembly facility to sign an agreement on strategic cooperation, and a contract for a Proton launch of GSS’s Yamal-601 communications satellite.
The KhSC/GSS cooperation goes back over 15 years. The first Proton launch took place on 6 September 1999 when Khrunichev’ launch vehicle orbited GSS’s Yamal-100 communications satellite. Khrunichev has performed a total of five launches for GSS: Yamal-201 and Yamal-202 (November 2003), Yamal-300? (November 2012), Yamal-402 (December 2012), and Yamal-401 (December 2014). All in all, Proton has been used to insert seven Yamal communications and TV broadcasting satellites.
The Cooperation Agreement contemplates expanded interaction between the two leaders of Russia’s space industry in the next 15 years. To secure a further buildup of its constellation, GSS has committed to the use of such Khrunichev’s launch vehicles as Proton-M, Angara A5, and Angara 1.2. Khrunichev will be submitting proposals to GSS regarding the use of Khrunichev’s launch systems for launching GSS’s satellites.
A first practical step to implement the Cooperation Agreement is the contract to use the Proton for orbiting the Yamal-601 communications satellite, envisaging the launch in 2018. This will be the fifth direct launch services contract between Khrunichev and GSS.
In the words of KhSC Acting CEO Andrey KALINOVSKY: We have put together and submitted for review to our customer a whole package of proposals. As a result, we have a mutually beneficial agreement for the next 15 years. Our strategic partnership indicates that reorganization at Khrunichev is proceeding in the right direction. 
Nikolai SEVASTIANOV, GSS Designer-General: Our Company’s history of relations with Khrunichev is positive. We appreciate Khrunichev’s input in the development of our orbital constellation, and we do plan to continue using the Proton and Angara launch vehicles. A good example is furnished by the signature of the contract to launch Yamal-601 communications satellite on the Proton.
FGUP Khrunichev State-Run Space Research & Production Center (Khrunichev Space Center) is a world leader in design and manufacture of rocket and space hardware. The Center provides design and development, serial production and operation of such space transport systems as Proton, Rockot and Angara. For over 20 years, the Center has been successful in the international market of launch services. Khrunichev’s input in the buildup and operation of the International Space Station is quite considerable. It also participates in national space programs of a number of countries. Among Khrunichev’s customers and partners are space agencies, space industry manufacturing and other companies and organizations in over 45 countries. More about Khrunichev at http://www.khrunichev.ru.
OAO Gazprom Space Systems (GSS) is a subsidiary of OAO Gazprom. It is engaged in space-related activities, and builds and operates telecommunications and geo-information space systems for the benefit of Gazprom Group and other users. GSS is the builder and operator of the Yamal satellite communications and TV broadcasting system that includes the orbital constellation and terrestrial infrastructure. Currently, efforts are under way to further develop the Yamal satellite communications and TV broadcasting system, and build an earth remote sensing system (SMOTR).