Directors from the two NASA facilities in Virginia will participate in an aerospace executive roundtable discussionFeb. 5, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the West Reading Room of the Patrick Henry Building in Richmond.

The roundtable, led by Virginia Secretary of Technology Karen Jackson, will highlight innovative technologies, partnerships, and economic opportunities that NASA, industry and academia are pursuing in the Commonwealth.

“It’s an exciting time for NASA both with our operations in the Commonwealth and around the nation,” said Steve Jurczyk, director, NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. “NASA’s work in Virginia is fueling innovation, advancing technological development, and charting the way for NASA’s journey to Mars.”

Jurczyk will be joined by Bill Wrobel, NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility director; both serve on the Governor’s Aerospace Advisory Committee.

Other aerospace leaders will include: Rose Mooney, executive director, Mid-Atlantic Aviation Partnership (MAAP); Doug Cook, president, Virginia Aerospace Business Roundtable (VASBA); Doug Stanley, executive director, National Institute for Aerospace (NIA); and Mary Sandy, executive director, Virginia Space Grant Consortium.

The roundtable is open to the media. For questions about the event contact Raina Washington, executive assistant to Secretary Jackson, at 804-692-2580.

For more information about NASA’s Langley Research Center visit, or contact Rob Wyman at 757-864-6120.

For more information about NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility visit, or contact Jeremy Eggers at 757-824-2958.