The fire department of NASA Ames Research Center, will be performing proficiency training on the Moffett Federal Airfield Oct. 1, 2 and 4, 2014. The training will involve the use of a propane-fueled, aircraft fire-fighting trainer contracted from Kellogg Community College of Battle Creek, Michigan.

Since the aircraft trainer is fueled by propane, very little smoke should be produced during the fires; however, flames from the live-fire training may be visible to drivers on U.S. Highway 101. Ames community residents should also be aware that they may hear sirens during the training sessions.

The aircraft trainer will provide the department with an opportunity to practice its response to a wide variety of realistic aircraft fire-fighting situations. The trainer is capable of simulating fires that include flaming-liquid spills, engine fires, interior cabin fires, wheel-brake fires, and fires in aircraft auxiliary power units.

 Additionally, mutual-aid fire departments from around Santa Clara County have been invited to participate in these training sessions to increase readiness for potential aircraft incidents.

For more information about Ames, visit:

For more information about the aircraft rescue firefighting and mobile trainer, visit: