Congressman Chaka Fattah (PA-02), the lead Democrat on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies, which oversees funding for NASA, released the following statement on today’s announcement that SpaceX and Boeing will be awarded contracts to transport U.S. astronauts to and from the International Space Station:

“I congratulate Boeing and SpaceX for being chosen as the recipients of these groundbreaking contracts that will for the first time allow private companies to transport U.S. astronauts into low-earth orbit, and usher in a new area of space exploration for our country.

“The awarding of these two contracts will create a reliable way for NASA’s astronauts to travel into space, allowing the United States to reduce our dependence on foreign carriers for this job.  This is a great day for NASA, for our nation and its growing commercial space industry, and for the future of space exploration.

“Commercial Crew once again demonstrates how the federal government can work hand-in-hand with the private sector to produce innovative, new programs. I have been a huge proponent of this initiative since its inception, and I am thrilled to see NASA taking another step towards accomplishing these goals.

“Earlier today, I had the honor of meeting with NASA Astronaut Rick Mastracchio. Hearing first-hand about his recent mission aboard the International Space Station, and the ongoing research initiatives underway there, underscored the importance of today’s announcement.  The ability for the United States to send more astronauts into low-earth orbit is a game-changer for NASA and its ability to remain the leading space agency in the world.”