(Washington, DC) – Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a markup of H.R. 4412, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2014.  The bill authorizes funding for one year and provides policy direction for NASA.

In July 2013, the Committee passed H.R. 2687, the “National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2013, by a party-line recorded vote.  Over the past several months, Majority and Minority Members and staffers have worked together to develop a new NASA reauthorization that both sides of the aisle could support.  Earlier this month, the Space Subcommittee marked up H.R. 4412 and approved it with a bipartisan Manager’s amendment.  Today’s markup also was conducted in a bipartisan manner.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) said, “I consider reauthorizing NASA to be one of our Committee’s most significant legislative responsibilities.  And that is why I am pleased that after some initial missteps, this Committee is addressing that responsibility with a good bipartisan bill–something that has long been a hallmark of this Committee.”

Subcommittee on Space Ranking Member Donna F. Edwards (D-MD) said in her statement for the record, “It has been said that our Nation’s greatness is embodied in our space program. Today, I joined Congressman Steven Palazzo and the Science, Space, and Technology Committee to ensure that the talented, dedicated men and women who make up the National Aeronautics and Space Administration have the certainty they need. Even in these challenging times, NASA’s accomplishments in human spaceflight, space science, aeronautics research, and space technology are the envy of other nations and a source of inspiration for all Americans. Our committee has taken a strong step to help NASA maintain its position of preeminence, and I look forward to working with Mr. Palazzo, Ranking Member Johnson, and Chairman Smith on bringing this bipartisan bill to the House Floor and seeing it through to final passage.”

Ranking Member Donna F. Edwards (D-MD) and Chairman Palazzo introduced a bipartisan Manager’s amendment.   The Manager’s Amendment includes provisions that reflect several Democratic priorities such as education and public outreach, Earth science, and other important science programs.

Ms. Johnson said, “The Manager’s amendment and bill before us today are the product of weeks of negotiation between myself, Chairman Smith, Subcommittee Ranking Member Edwards, Subcommittee Chairman Palazzo, and our respective staffs.  These negotiations have not been easy.  Chairman Smith has not gotten the bill he would have preferred.  I have not gotten the bill I would have preferred.  But through this process we have arrived at a product that we both can support.”

H.R. 4412 passed out of Committee by voice vote.