Imagine the excitement of a student learning about space science by actually doing science. In many classrooms today, space science is nothing more than book study and a few tests. Students read about the planets, maybe study a few galactic wonders and even get into exoplanets. There is usually some discussion about manned spaceflight in there too.

The tide is changing. At some schools there is a push to develop more hands on space studies. The teachers at these schools encourage students to explore space not just by reading and testing, but by doing. They guide their students through the scientific process, giving them the skills the need to create their own experiments. The students are excited to learn about space, what is out there, and how they can be a part of it.

Teachers in Space, a project of the Space Frontier Foundation is helping these students and their teachers send their experiments into space. By providing hands on workshops to teachers, TiS advances their skills to bring the hands on experience to the classroom. These workshops have been given high marks by the participants. From space medicine to flight experiments there is knowledge to be gained that can be taken back to the classroom. Our goal is to inspire the teachers to inspire the students.

In addition to the workshops, Teachers in Space also sponsors a contest to send student experiments to the International Space Station. This contest lets students from all over the country think about what is relevant in space and then go do it. Our latest winning team is sending a research payload that may help in the fight against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This is exciting science being done by students!

Currently, Teachers in Space is running a crowd funding campaign so we can send another experiment to the station. We are working to raise $25,000 to cover the cost of the flight. We can’t do it alone. We need the involvement of the public to make this a reality. We need your help.

There are two ways to help send student experiments into space. First, invest in the future of student science by donating to the campaign. We have a few days left in the campaign to raise funds. There are some cool incentives for donating too. Please donate and help these students learn and explore. Second, spread the word. Tell your friends, co workers, anyone who will listen.

Despite speculation, space is not dead. There are dedicated teachers and students learning by doing. These students will grow up to be our scientist, engineers and astronauts of the future. Help them make their dreams a reality.