NASA Administrator Charles Bolden will see technologies NASA is developing to make flying and the national air transportation system safer, cleaner and more efficient during a trip to NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., Friday, May 10.

Bolden will visit Langley’s Air Traffic Operations Laboratory and a cockpit simulator. He will join Langley Center Director Lesa Roe and others for a look at facilities researchers are using to transform the nation’s air traffic management system, improve aircraft fuel efficiency and enhance aviation safety. Also included in Langley research are systems that would allow remotely piloted, unmanned aerial systems to be operated safely in the same airspace used by piloted aircraft.

Media representatives are invited join Bolden on his tour. Reporters who want to attend must contact Kathy Barnstorff at 757-864-9886 or 757-344-8511 or by 5 p.m. EDT today, and must arrive at Langley’s gate no later than 9:45 a.m. Friday. Video and still images of research are available on request.

For more information about NASA Langley, go to: