Washington D.C. – On Monday, November 19, the Federal Aviation Administration Office of Commercial Space Transportation announced that Michael Lopez-Alegria, President of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation would be the vice-chair of the Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee (COMSTAC).

COMSTAC provides information, advice and recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration on all matters related to U.S. commercial space transportation.

“I’m honored to be chosen for this position,” said Michael Lopez-Alegria, “I look forward to working closely with the FAA and to providing input from the emerging commercial space industry into FAA policies, procedures and regulations.”

“Michael is a great addition to COMSTAC,” said Stuart O. Witt, CEO and General Manager of the Mojave Air and Space Port and Chairman of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation. “His depth of experience in operations as a NASA astronaut and his knowledge of the breadth of the industry make him an ideal choice.”

COMSTAC also added several other new members, including Steve Isakowitz of Virgin Galactic and Christine Anderson of Spaceport America. The full list of new members is available at http://www.faa.gov/news/updates/?newsId=70023.

About the Commercial Spaceflight Federation

The mission of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) is to promote the development of commercial human spaceflight, pursue ever-higher levels of safety, and share best practices and expertise throughout the industry. The Commercial Spaceflight Federation’s member companies, which include commercial spaceflight developers, operators, spaceports, suppliers, and service providers, are creating thousands of high-tech jobs nationwide, working to preserve American leadership in aerospace through technology innovation, and inspiring young people to pursue careers in science and engineering. For more information please visit www.commercialspaceflight.org or contact Executive Director Alex Saltman at saltman@commercialspaceflight.org or at 202.349.1121.