The Museum of Flight welcomes the aft portion of the Space Shuttle Trainer payload bay on Thursday, July 26, once again aboard NASA’s Super Guppy aircraft. The Space Shuttle Trainer is the training mock-up on which every space shuttle astronaut has trained. The oddly shaped Super Guppy, with the aft portion of the payload bay on board, will land at Boeing Field and taxi to the Boeing Military Flight Center where the aircraft will be unloaded. Like the crew compartment, the payload bay will be loaded onto the 60k Tunner and then transported across East Marginal Way to the Charles Simonyi Space Gallery. The entire process will be easily visible from the Museum’s east parking lot. The Super Guppy will make one more trip to The Museum of Flight on August 9, which could be the aircraft’s last journey to the region before being decommissioned.


Super Guppy lands on Thursday, July 26 at 10:00 a.m.


Museum of Flight Parking Lot
9305 East Marginal Way South
Seattle, WA 98108

To attend this event or to schedule interviews, please contact Mike Bush at (253) 307-3225, mbush@museumofflight.org, Lee Keller at (206) 799-3805, lee@thekellergroup.com or Ted Huetter at (206) 437-7584, thuetter@museumofflight.org.

About The Museum of Flight

The independent, non-profit Museum of Flight is one of the largest air and space museums in the world, attracting more than 400,000 visitors annually. The museum’s collection includes more than 150 historically significant air- and spacecraft, as well as the Red Barn(R)–the original manufacturing facility of The Boeing Co. The museum’s aviation and space library and archives are the largest on the West Coast. More than 100,000 individuals are served annually by the museum’s on-site and outreach educational programs. The Museum of Flight is accredited by the American Associations of Museums, and is an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. For more information on The Museum of Flight, visit www.museumofflight.org.

Museum of Flight
Mike Bush, 253-307-3225 (cell)
Keller Group, Ltd.
Lee Keller, 206-799-3805 (cell)