Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ranking Member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, today spoke at the committee hearing on Risks, Opportunities, and Oversight of Commercial Space. Excerpts and video from her remarks follow:

“I just hope that there will no longer be budget proposals from the President, whoever that will be next year, that will appear to cut back on the future and fund the present because we have an authorization bill that assures both, we support both,” Sen. Hutchison said at the hearing.

“I don’t want to see next year another instance of what we saw this year, Mr. Gerstenmaier, and I just hope that we can see that commitment on the part of NASA and the President’s OMB and believe me, I didn’t like what OMB did in the last administration or the one before that either, so I am equal in my disappointment in this commitment, but since you’re here now, I do hope you will assure that the budget that comes from the President’s office will reflect what both you and I have said is our goal and I know that the two Senators here agree.”