SpaceOps 2012, the world’s largest professional conference for spacecraft operators, ended after a week of showcasing research and technologies designed to make spaceflight more cost effective and beneficial for daily life.

The 12th International Conference on Space Operations was held in Stockholm, 11-15 June, bringing scientists, engineers and managers together with space industry to address common issues, share best practices and highlight cutting-edge technologies, many developed with ESA support.

“Boosting the benefits of space investment is a common need experienced by all national and international agencies. This means that cooperation and inter-communication are more necessary than ever before, and the SpaceOps series of global conferences is an excellent way to achieve this,” said Angela Head, ESA’s SpaceOps Coordinator.

“This year’s event had 678 delegates registered from 35 countries representing 165 companies, space agencies or space institutions, showing the strong interest in enhancing space benefits.”

Swedish King opens event

SpaceOps 2012 was opened by HM King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, and was organised by the DLR German Aerospace Center and the Swedish Space Corporation. The event was widely covered by Swedish and international TV, print and online news.

The King also paid a visit to the ESA pavilion, where he was briefed on topics related to satellite operations, space debris mitigation and future European ground data systems.

ESA: Europe’s top space research and development organisation

Participants from ESA’s human spaceflight and spacecraft operations teams presented a wide range of topics, including space debris mitigation, lessons learnt from operating ERS-2, XMM-Newton, Integral, Herschel and ATV, innovative mission operations concepts, new high-speed space communication technology and ground station engineering and development.

Participation by ESA teams also provided opportunities to share the latest information on innovative software and systems developed at the Agency that can be spun off to European industry.

Cutting-edge software benefits industry

“The software developed by ESA for its ground systems has helped European industry to become world leaders in control systems for the commercial market,” said Juan Miro, ESA’s Head of Ground Systems Engineering.

Participation at SpaceOps also strongly profiled ESA as Europe’s top space research and development organisation. The Agency plays a central role in coordinating space investment by Member States that benefits national governments, global partners and European citizens alike.

Manfred Warhaut, ESA’s Head of Mission Operations, says that, once again, SpaceOps has proven to be the best forum anywhere for addressing challenges in space operations.

“ESA’s attendance contributed to this successful conference and the sharing of information between the Agency, European and international partners and industry. It was especially good to see many young space professionals taking part, to catch a glimpse of the future,” says Manfred.