Congressman Chaka Fattah (PA-02) the senior Democrat on the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and related agencies, which includes NASA, released the following statement regarding an agreement reached on the Commercial Crew program.

“The vision of President Obama for American leadership in space is taking hold. In an agreement forged between the Administration and the House of Representatives, NASA will provide safe and reliable transportation for astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) aboard U.S. spacecraft.

“The agreement reached by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA), allows for the – on time and on budget – development of the Commercial Crew program. As the nation saw from the Space X test flight to the ISS last month – with the support of Congress – programs like these will continue to be a major success.

“Working with our colleagues in the Senate, this agreement helps pave the way for final passage of the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill. I look forward to working with NASA to ensure the Commercial Crew program has all the resources it needs to be successful.”