Today, the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology (ASGSB) announced a name change to the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) to reflect a broadening of the societyis scope to include physical sciences. A general vote was taken by the membership and ninety percent of the votes were in favor of the name change and charter expansion. The predecessor society, ASGSB, was established in 1984, as a U.S. non-profit 501(C)(6) scientific society. The name change represents an expansion in the purpose of the society, which is to promote research, education, training, and development in the areas of gravitational space biological and physical processes and to apply the knowledge gained to a better understanding of gravity and other space environmental factors.

ASGSR president, Dr. Howard G. Levine says “We are very pleased to announce the expansion of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology (ASGSB) to include our fellow researchers in the Physical Sciences. ASGSB will henceforth be the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR), and we fully expect that this expansion of our original charter will lead to many fruitful collaborations between these two closely associated groups.” The society sees the future of space exploration changing, with access to space now becoming available from commercial companies, and increased emphasis on the translational value of space research with regard to terrestrial applications. The society believes it is essential that, as an integrated group, they can provide a forum for high quality exploration, enabling research, technology, scientific discovery and training of the next generation of scientists.

According to Dr. D. Marshall Porterfield, director of the NASA Life and Physical Sciences division, “the recent announcement of the expansion of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology charter, and name change to include affiliated fundamental sciences is most welcome from the perspective of the Life and Physical Sciences Division at NASA Headquarters. The resulting fusion of these broad but strongly interdisciplinary groups, life and physical sciences, is in direct alignment with recent reorganization of these research programs at NASA. The new American Society for Gravitational and Space Research will be better aligned to represent the stakeholders of the critical sciences needed by NASA to advance future human space exploration. We welcome future growth and advancement of the organization as it supports the Life and Physical Sciences Division in the Human Exploration Mission Directorate.”

Over the next few months, the society will be implementing these changes. The first inaugural conference that includes the broadened society will be held November 28 n December 2, 2012 at the Westin Canal Place in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Dr. Porterfield adds “Laissez les bons temps rouler.” Information on the society and upcoming meeting can be found at

Contact: Cynthia Martin-Brennan (703) 392-0272